Scudo strives to offer the best quality of products at reasonable prices. However, if you find that the products you receive from us are defective or if they do not match the images or descriptions mentioned on our website, you may request for a return or replacement of the product within 7 working days from the date of delivery of the products to you.
To initiate the return, please submit a return request on mentioning your order number, full name, contact number and reason for return along with supporting images clearly showing the defect, the whole product and the product inside the original box. Also mention if you would like to obtain a full refund of your order or a replacement of the defective product. If the payment is done using ‘Cash on Delivery’, please mention your UPI ID or your bank details where you would like us to credit the refund amount. No refunds will be provided in cash.
Once we approve the request for return, you will get an e-mail notification containing the instructions for handing over the package to our logistics partner for safe delivery to our warehouse. Please send us the product along with the box and tags that come with the product along with the invoice. The received product will then be inspected at the warehouse and the refund will be credited to the original payment method if the payment was made online or to the account details sent by you for Cash-on-Delivery orders.
The entire process normally takes around 7-14 days depending on logistical constraints and may be credited to your account as per your bank’s policies.
For replacements, we will check the received product for defects and send the replacement products free of cost to you. If the said product is not available with us, we will issue a full refund of the paid amount.
Please note that no refund requests will be entertained for customized orders made on our website.